The New Carlsberg Foundation supports individual projects carried out by researchers on topics and issues relating to art history, art theory and art communication and art interpretation in the broadest sense. The projects must be of a duration of between three to twelve months. The foundation does not support projects that are characterized as artistic research.
Who can apply?
Individual researchers who are not employed in positions that entail significant research rights and duties (for example, university employees).
Application deadline
The grant is announced once a year. For specific dates, se under Art research.
Application process
- The researcher submits an application to The New Carlsberg Foundation, requesting funding for the research project in question.
- The board of The New Carlsberg Foundation assesses the project proposals received and notifies applicants of either approval or rejection. The board may elect to subject project proposals to external assessment/peer review.
The project must:
- be affiliated with an institution (museum, university or similar) which will be responsible for managing the grant, including paying out salaries.
- be of a scope where it can be completed in three to twelve months.
- intersect, in an original way, with key existing research in the field in Denmark and internationally.
- be of relevance to the field of art research and to society in general.
- meet academic standards in terms of theory and method.
What does this grant cover?
- Salary costs. These should, unless otherwise agreed, be on a level corresponding to the applicant’s current salary grade under Danish public-sector collective agreements.
- An amount corresponding to 20% of the amount applied for to be paid to the institution employing the fellow. These will go towards management/administration of the grant.
- Documented additional expenses in connection with maternity/paternity leave and sickness during the project period will also be covered.
- The grant does not cover workload reduction (in Danish ‘frikøb’) of researchers who are employed in positions with significant research rights and duties (for example university employees).
- The applicant may subsequently apply for funds to cover expenses for presentation/dissemination purposes (publications, exhibitions etc.). Applications for such funds must be submitted through the The New Carlsberg Foundation’s usual application system and are thus assessed on an equal footing with other applications.
The application must contain:
- A project proposal of no more than two standard pages of 2,400 characters with spaces each. The description should reflect the above-mentioned criteria and document the applicant’s qualifications for carrying out the project in question to a high professional standard.
- Confirmation of an agreement affiliating the applicant to an institution (museum, university or similar).
- A professional CV of no more than two standard pages that documents the applicant’squalifications for the project.
- A timetable.
- A maximum of two pages with illustrations.
- A bibliography (maximum one page).
- Budget.
- An account of any co-financing or other funding already applied for/granted (if applicable).
Applications that do not comply with these formal requirements will be rejected forthwith. Please note that a standard page is 2,400 characters with spaces.
When the project is completed, the applicant must submit accounts and a report on the project and its findings, comprising no more than two standard pages.
Further inquiries
For additional information, please contact: Research advisor Tom Hermansen,,+45 24 81 31 85