Grant database

The New Carlsberg Foundation provides grants for works of art, art projects and art research. The database includes all grants provided since 1997. You can search for specific projects, works of art, decorative commissions, books and so forth. The database does not differentiate between projects that are fully funded by the New Carlsberg Foundation and those that receive partial funding from the foundation.

2021 Publications
Forlaget Arena

Georges Didi-Huberman. Bark. 2021.

2021 Publications
Anette Abrahamsson

Anette Abrahamsson og Sanne Kofod Olsen (eds.). Anette Abrahamsson. 2022.

2021 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter
Fonden for Samlingen af Moderne International Glaskunst

Støtte til realisering af program med udstillings-, marketing- og vækstinitiativer.

2021 Publications
Forlaget Orbis

Mogens Nykjær. Et forår i florentinsk kunst: I Macchaioli (1855-1905). 2021.

2021 Publications
Mette Winckelmann

Milena Høgsberg (ed.), Mette Winckelmann: flags of freedom. 2021.

2021 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter
KunstCentret Silkeborg Bad

Støtte til gennemførelse af udstillings- og formidlingsaktiviteter.

2021 Publications
Den Hirschsprungske Samling

Gertrud Oelsner og Lene Bøgh Rønberg (red.) Bertha Wegmann. At male på mange sprog. 2022.
Gertrud Oelsner og Lene Bøgh Rønberg (red.). Bertha Wegmann. Painting in many Languages. 2022.

2021 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter
Kunsthal Nord

Støtte til gennemførelse af eventserien "KunstArt, et kuratorisk samarbejde mellem Kunsthal Nord, Kunstpionererne og Kunst & Teknologi (Aalborg Universitet)".

2021 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter
Horsens Kunstmuseum

Støtte til realisering af arrangementsprogram og markedsføringstiltag.

2021 Publications
Ribe Kunstmuseum

Henrik Wivel og Katrine Bruun Jørgensen, L.A. Ring. Årstiderne. 2022.

2021 Publications
Finn Reinbothe

Finn Reinbothe. Untitled (Working Air) (Directors Cut) and Related Practice (The Move). 2022.

2021 Publications
BORCH Editions

Niels Borch Jensen, Susan Tallman. No Plan at All. How the Danish Printshop of Niels Borch Jensen Redefined Artists' Prints for the Contemporary World. 2021.

2021 Publications
Johan Zimsen Kristiansen

Johan Zimsen et al.
Arkiver (Archives). Nicolas og Elena Calas arkiv. 2022

2021 Publications
Ida Engholm

Ida Engholm.
Design for the New World. From Human Design to Planet Design. 2022

2021 Publications
The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics, c/o Aarhus Universitet

Jacob Lund (ed.). The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 61-62. 2021.

2021 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter
Overgaden Institut for Samtidskunst

Støtte til strategisk udvikling af Overgaden: nye formater – nye rum.
