Grant database

The New Carlsberg Foundation provides grants for works of art, art projects and art research. The database includes all grants provided since 1997. You can search for specific projects, works of art, decorative commissions, books and so forth. The database does not differentiate between projects that are fully funded by the New Carlsberg Foundation and those that receive partial funding from the foundation.

2020 Publications
Designmuseum Danmark

Tillægsbevilling til forskningsprojektet "Knud V. Engelhardt - en designhistorisk monografi".

2020 Art research
ARKEN Museum for Moderne Kunst

Post.doc.: Kunstmuseet i en skrøbelig økologi.

2020 Publications
Charlotte Præstegaard Schwartz

Charlotte Præstegaard Schwartz
Billedtilstande. Tre fortællinger om fotografisk baserede billeder i perioden 1960-2020. Rævens sorte Bibliotek nr. 89. 2022.

2020 Publications
Roulette Russe

Helene Gamst, Roulette Russe (red.), People are the Ultimate Spectacle. Esben Weile Kjær. 2021.

2020 Publications
Yale University Press London

David Jackson. Danish Golden Age Painting. 2021.

2020 Art research

Støtte til forskningsprojektet "Satiriske reaktioner på nye censurformer".

2020 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter
Statens Museum for Kunst

Støtte til realisering af ’Game Changer - Gentænkt formidling på et genåbnet SMK’.

2020 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter
MSJ - Kunstmuseet Brundlund Slot

Støtte til kommunikation af udstillingen ’Medgang & Modgang – Udvekslinger mellem dansk og tysk kunst’.

2020 Publications
Sine Krogh

Sine Krogh, Thor J. Mednick, Karina Lykke Grand (eds.).
Culture and Conflict. Nation Building in Denmark and Scandinavia, 1830-1930. 2022.

2020 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter

Astrid la Cour (red.), Event Horizon by Thomàs Saraceno. 2021.

2020 Publications
CRD Studio

Marie Laurberg, Maria Kjær Themsen, Josefine Klougart
Cathrine Raben Davidsen. Above Below Beyond. Works 2019-22

2020 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter
Copenhagen Contemporary

Støtte til realisering af udstillingen ’In Focus: Statements’.

2020 Publications
Really Simple Syndication Press

Sidsel Nelund. Things in Contemporary Curating. 2023.

2020 Publications
egen virksomhed

Lars Morell. Asger Jorn og Gérard Franceschi i Skåne. 2021.

2020 Publications
Thomas Bang

Mikkel Bogh et al.
Apparatus For The Unstable Conditions. Thomas Bang. 2023.

2020 Publications
Strandberg Publishing

Jannie Rosenberg Bendsen, Dorthe Bendtsen. Drømmen om eget hus - Statslånshuse 1933-1959. 2021.
