The urban space between Herluf Trolles Gade and Nyhavn, across from 51-55 Havnegade, has a new occupant: Kirsten Ortwed’s 13-ton, 12-metre-long bronze sculpture Full Length. Originally created for Kirsten Ortwed’s large solo exhibition at the National Gallery of Denmark in 2008, it has left the museum space behind and crept into the city. It is now stretched out in the space where the new bridge Inderhavnsbroen is going to connect Grønlandske Handelsplads and Nyhavn.

‘The sculpture is one of Kirsten Ortwed’s key works. The dimensions and shape of the piece make it well suited to occupy the space near the elongated old customs house and the new bridge. The sculpture is reminiscent of a felled tree and exudes a sense of gravity and organicity,’ comments Karsten Ohrt, chairman of the New Carlsberg Foundation.

Morten Kabell, Mayor of Technical and Environmental Affairs (representing the Red-Green Alliance) in the City of Copenhagen, highlights the unique character the sculpture brings to this urban space:

‘Often, the large-scale, spectacular projects in Copenhagen get most of the attention, causing us to neglect the value of the smaller details: a bench in a sunny spot in an urban environment or a drinking fountain on a jogging route. Similarly, I think that Full Length is going to be a popular attraction in Havnegade, lending the street a unique character and adding special value to the urban space.’