Grant database

The New Carlsberg Foundation provides grants for works of art, art projects and art research. The database includes all grants provided since 1997. You can search for specific projects, works of art, decorative commissions, books and so forth. The database does not differentiate between projects that are fully funded by the New Carlsberg Foundation and those that receive partial funding from the foundation.

2020 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter
Fonden Roskilde Festival

Opsætning af Martin Creeds neonværk 'UNDERSTANDING' på Ofelia Plads i København.

2020 Art research
Nivaagaards Malerisamling

Post.doc.: Indlevelse i genremaleriet. En sammenligning af genremaleri i dansk og hollandsk guldalder.

2020 Art research
Kunsthal Aarhus

Post.doc.: Forhandling af vidensfelter i samtidskunstinstitutionen

2020 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter
ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum

Støtte til realisering af udstillingen "The Next Level".

2020 Publications
Mirjam Gelfer-Jørgensen

Kunstarternes forbrødning. Skønvirke - en kalejdoskopisk periode. 2020.

2020 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter
Horsens Kunstmuseum

Støtte til styrkelse af museets aktivitetsprogram 2020/2021.

2020 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter
Esbjerg Kunstmuseum

Støtte til realisering af "Esbjerg Kunstmuseum i nyt lys".

2020 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter
Den Hirschsprungske Samling

Støtte til realisering af en udstilling om Bertha Wegmann samt formidlingsaktiviteter.

2020 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter
Det danske Institut i Athen

Støtte til udvikling af ny visuel profil til Det Danske Institut i Athen.

2020 Art research
Flemming Friborg

Forskningsprojekt: The Commodification of Art. The Discreet Dynamics of Art and Money in a Market-Driven Economy.

2020 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek

Dækning af udgifter til 4. fase af indeklimaprojekt.

2020 Publications
10 Grafisk Design & Forlag

Helen G. Welling
Det badende København. 2023.

2020 Publications
Malene Landgreen

Helene Gamst et al. (red.). Malene Landgreen - 2011-2022Works /in situ/About. 2022.

2020 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter
Kongernes Samling

Støtte til realisering af udstillingen 'MAGT OG MOD - Christian 5.s verden'.

2020 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter
Louisiana Museum of Modern Art

Støtte til arrangementsrækken "Skolen for oversete kunsthistorier".

2020 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter
Dansk Kulturinstitut

Støtte til udstillingen Ancient Myth of Bertel Thorvaldsen i St. Petersburg
