Grant database

The New Carlsberg Foundation provides grants for works of art, art projects and art research. The database includes all grants provided since 1997. You can search for specific projects, works of art, decorative commissions, books and so forth. The database does not differentiate between projects that are fully funded by the New Carlsberg Foundation and those that receive partial funding from the foundation.

2014 Publications
Strandberg Publishing

Phillip de Lange. København store bygmester. Strandberg Publishing. 2014

2014 Publications
Ribe Kunstmuseum

Forvandlinger. Moderne myter i dansk kunst 1900-1950. Fuglsang Kunstmuseum, Faaborg Museum og Ribe Kunstmuseum. Clausens Grafisk. 2015.

2014 Publications
Carsten Bach-Nielsen

Fra jubelfest til kulturår - de danske reformationsfejringer gennem 400 år. Aarhus Universitetsforlag. 2015.

2014 Publications
Ny Carlsbergfondet

obs. udsættes til årsskrift 2016
Projekttilbud fra Oncotype / Mattias Bodlund om at gøre breve og manuskripter ifm Claus Grønnes arbejde tilgængelige online

2014 Publications
Nicolai Howalt

Light Break. Photography/Light Therapy. Fabrik Books. 2015.

2014 Publications
Kristin Wiborg

Billedfortælleren Svend Otto S. Gyldendal 2016.

2014 Publications

Langenæskirken. Himlen ind - Lyset ned - Blikket ud. Forlaget Wunderbuch. 2015.

2014 Publications
Nina Haldor Hansen

Jesuskirkens krypt - en del af historien. Kahrius. 2015.

2014 Publications
Marie Louise Kampmann Soldbro

Hack Kampmann. Del 1: De unge år belyst gennem tegninger, akvareller og breve. Bogværket. 2015.

2014 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter
Vibeke Petersen

Støtte til deltagelse i kunsthistorisk møde på Amos Andersson Art Museum, Helsinki samt deltagelse i "Utopia" - Fourth International Conference of the European Network for Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies /EAM, Helsinki, august 2014.

2014 Publications
Cecilie Manz

Keramikeren Richard Manz. Cecilie Manz. 2015.

2014 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter

Hans Scherfig: Tømrerskruen. 1977. Papircollage.

2014 Publications
Fonden Orbis Terrarum

By & Kultur. Aspekter af byer i Middelhavsområdet. Forlaget Orbis. 2014.

2014 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek


2014 Publications
Helene Illeris

EDGE - 20 Essays on contemporary art education. Multivers. 2015.

2014 Publications
Mogens Møller

Værk. Strandberg Publishing 2016.
