Grant database

The New Carlsberg Foundation provides grants for works of art, art projects and art research. The database includes all grants provided since 1997. You can search for specific projects, works of art, decorative commissions, books and so forth. The database does not differentiate between projects that are fully funded by the New Carlsberg Foundation and those that receive partial funding from the foundation.

2013 Publications
Tina Maria Nielsen Hurricane. 2014.

2013 Publications
ARISTO Bogforlag

Peter Thule Kristensen, Ken Schoop, Jens Markus Lindhe, Svenn Eske Kristensen - velfærdsarkitekten. Aristo 2018.

2013 Publications
Kirsten Nørregaard Pedersen

Kastrup Værk Bryggergården 1749-1900. Forlaget Rohdos. 2014.

2013 Publications
Minna Heimbürger

Minna Heimbürger: Maleren Eberhart Keilhau 1624-1687. Rhodos. 2014.

2013 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter
Statens Museum for Kunst

Ursula Fischer Pace og Chris Fischer (red.): Roman Drawings before 1800. Ræsonneret katalog over Den Kongelige Kobberstiksamlings romerske tegninger. Statens Museum for Kunst. 2014.

2013 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter
Det Danske Institut for Videnskab og Kunst i Rom

Anne Mette Larste, Helle Trolle og Anne Louise Bang: Tekstile Illussioner. 2004. Gulvtæppe i hør og uld.

2013 Publications

Lars Abrahamsen, Eske K. Mathiesen, Helle Baslund, Thøger Jensen, Jens Bohr, Knud Sørensen (red.): Ord til Andet. Sophienholm og KunstCentret Silkeborg Bad. 2013.

2013 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter
Herning Gymnasium

Gårdhaveprojekt af landskabsarkitekt Torben Schønherr.

2013 Publications
Forlaget Hovedland

Danske kunstmuseer i en håndevending. Forlaget Hovedland. 2014.

2013 Publications
Det Kgl. Danske Kunstakademi

Francis Bacon. Sansningens logik. Billedkunstskolernes Forlag. 2013.

2013 Publications
Steen Neergaard

Steen Neergaard:. "Eensom er jeg, dog ei ene!". Niels Ravnkildes dagbøger 1880-84, bind 2. Books on Demand.

2013 Publications
Dansk Landskabsarkitektforening

Ny Agenda 2. Dansk Landskabsarkitektur 2009-13. Forlaget Bogværket. 2014.

2013 Publications
Erik A. Nielsen

Erik A. Nielsen: Modlys. Ingemann Andersens livsværk. Forlaget Spring. 2014.

2013 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter
Holstebro Kunstmuseum

Tal R: Sortedam Skærebræt Pavillon. 2013. Blandede medier.

2013 Publications
Designmuseum Danmark

101 danske design ikoner. Strandberg Publishing. 2014.

2013 Publications

Dansk guldalder. Lyset, landskabet og hverdagslivet. Gyldendal. 2013.
