Grant database

The New Carlsberg Foundation provides grants for works of art, art projects and art research. The database includes all grants provided since 1997. You can search for specific projects, works of art, decorative commissions, books and so forth. The database does not differentiate between projects that are fully funded by the New Carlsberg Foundation and those that receive partial funding from the foundation.

2007 Publications
Eva Ormstrup Bentsen

Keramiske arbejder af Birgit Krogh. Narayana Press. 2007. Tilskud.

2007 Publications
Forlaget Borgen

Tekstilkunst i Danmark 1998-2008. Forlaget Borgen. 2009.

2007 Publications
Gitte Lønstrup

Til illustrationer til artiklen "Constructing myths: The foundation of Roma Christiana on the 29th of June" til publicering i Analecta Romana Instituti Danici 2007.

2007 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter

Støtte til anskaffelse af udstyr til digitalisering af video, audio og billeder.

2007 Publications
Jytte Rex

Palle Nielsen TIMEBOG/HOUR BOOK. Gyldendal. 2008

2007 Publications
Syddansk Universitet

Halicarnassian Studies V. Syddansk Universitetsforlag. 2008.

2007 Publications
Randers Kunstmuseum

Den bevingede knokkelmand. Randers Kunstmuseums Forlag. 2007. Tilskud.

2007 Publications
Mikkel Bolt

Expect Anything Fear Nothing. Nebula og Autonomedia. 2011. Tilskud.

2007 Publications
Claus Olsen

Uoverskuelig orden. Clausens Kunsthandel. 2007. Tilskud.

2007 Publications
Kopenhagen Publishing

Ny Dansk kunst 2007, Kopenhagen Publishing, 2007. Tilskud.

2007 Publications
Statens Museum for Kunst

Rammens Kunst. Statens Museum for Kunst. København. 2008.

2007 Publications
Mette Bligaard

Frederiksborgs genrejsning - Historicisme i teori og praksis. 2008. Forlaget Vandkunsten.

2007 Publications
Danmarks Keramikmuseum

Keramisk Kunst fra Asger Jorns Italien. Danmarks Keramikmuseum. 2007. Tilskud.

2007 Publications
Thorvaldsens Museum

Meddelelser fra Thorvaldsens Museum. 2007.

2007 Publications
Clausens Kunsthandel

Jørgen Rømer Tegninger. 2008. Clausens Kunsthandel.

2007 Publications
Forlaget Lundtofte

John Just Abildgaard Hunov: Snot og Harsk. Forlaget Lundtofte. 2007. Tilskud.
