Grant database

The New Carlsberg Foundation provides grants for works of art, art projects and art research. The database includes all grants provided since 1997. You can search for specific projects, works of art, decorative commissions, books and so forth. The database does not differentiate between projects that are fully funded by the New Carlsberg Foundation and those that receive partial funding from the foundation.

2005 Publications
Troels Andersen

Guy Atkins og Troels Andersen: Asger Jorn. Revised Supplement to the æuvre catalogue of his paintings from 1930 to 1973. Borgen. 2006.

2005 Publications
Nino Zchomelidse

Fictions of Isolation. Artistic and Intellectual Exchange in Rome during the First Half of the 19th Century. L'Erma di Bretschneider Roma. 2006. Tilskud.

2004 Publications

Dansk Kunsthåndværk og Design: Til tidsskriftets fortsatte udvikling.

2004 Publications
Lars Dybdahl

Dansk Design 1945-1975. Produktdesign - Grafisk Design - Møbeldesign. Borgens Forlag. København. 2006. Tilskud.

2004 Publications
Marianne Ibler

Kay Fisker and the Danish Academy in Rome. Archipress M. 2006.

2004 Publications
Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum

Udstillingskataloget Heinrich Tønnies - et fotografisk atelier. Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum. 2004.

2004 Publications
Tidsskriftet landskab

LANDSKAB 6-2004. Udvidet nummer

2004 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter
Horsens Kunstmuseum

Martin Erik Andersen: Its all in the eye of a dreamer - forbundne kar. 2004. Skulptur i flere dele. Blandede materialer.

2004 Publications
Lis og Palle Nielsen

Lis Ekelund Nielsen og Palle Tolstrup Nielsen: Danmarks værste fængsel. Om krudttårnsfangerne i Kastellet 1817-47. Gyldendal. 2005.

2004 Publications
Camilla Augustinus

Grønlandske Nutidskunstnere - maleri, skulptur, grafik og fotokunst 2004.

2004 Publications

Thomas Mogensen: Et fuldt møbleret liv - En bog om Børge Mogensen. Gyldendal. 2005.

2004 Publications
Doris Ottesen

Bordesholmalteret i Slesvig Domkirke. Poul Kristensens Forlag. 2004.

2004 Publications
Nina Hart

Deltagelse i udgivelsen af tekstilkunstbogen: "Art Textiles of the World: Scandinavia, Volume 2". Telos. 2005.

2004 Publications
Bornholms Kunstmuseum

Lars Kærulf Møller (red.): Billedhuggeren Ole Christensen. Udstillingskatalog. Bornholms Kunstmuseum. 2004. Tilskud. kr. 65.000.

2004 Publications
Rikke Warming

Ib Braase. Borgens Forlag. 2005.

2004 Publications
Gl. Holtegaard, Breda-Fonden

Jacob Thage: Rdo Wie-recycling. Gl. Holtegaard - Breda Fonden. 2005.
