Grant database

The New Carlsberg Foundation provides grants for works of art, art projects and art research. The database includes all grants provided since 1997. You can search for specific projects, works of art, decorative commissions, books and so forth. The database does not differentiate between projects that are fully funded by the New Carlsberg Foundation and those that receive partial funding from the foundation.

2003 Publications
Tidsskriftet Passepartout

Temanummer 22. Kunst og subjektivitet. Skrifter for Kunsthistorie. Aarhus Universitet. 2004. Tilskud.

2003 Publications
Suzanne Ludvigsen

Dankvart Dreyer. Malerier og tegninger. Kunstforeningen. 2007.

2003 Publications
Designmuseum Danmark

Den danske stenmosaik 1920-1950. Kunstindustrimuseet. 2003. Tilskud.

2003 Publications

Ægyptisk kunst i Danmark. Gyldendal. 2004.

2003 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter
Museet for Samtidskunst

Marianne Bech: Til deltagelse i kongressen "404 Object Not Found: What remains of media art?", Dortmund.

2003 Publications
Nivaagaards Malerisamling

I stor stil. Jens Adolf Jerichau & Co. Udstillingskatalog. Nivaagaards Malerisamling og Randers Kunstmuseum. 2004.

2003 Publications
Det Danske Institut for Videnskab og Kunst i Rom

Decorating the Lord's Table. On the dynamics between Image and Altar in the Middle Ages. Museum Tusculanum Press. University of Copenhagen. 2006.

2003 Other purposes included in the foundation's charter

Bill Viola: Unspoken (Silver and Gold). 2002. Videoinstallation. Tilskud

2003 Publications
Julie Skov Nicolaisen

7.9.2005: BORTFALDET.

2003 Publications
Forlaget Hikuin

Romanske Stenarbejder 5 - Foredrag afholdt på det 2. Skandinaviske symposium om romanske stenarbejder i Silkeborg 1999. Forlaget Hikuin. 2003.

2003 Publications
Forlaget Rhodos

Taarnborg - Midt i Ribe. Fotografier af Janne Klerk. Forlaget Rhodos. København. 2004.

2003 Publications
Peter Tiemroth

Paul Stoltze: Billeder gennem 60 år. Bornholms Kunstmuseum. 2005.

2003 Publications
Thorvaldsens Museum

Meddelelser fra Thorvaldsens Museum 2003.

2003 Publications
Birgit Madsen

Billedhuggeren Claus Ørntoft. Thaning og Appel. 2004.

2003 Publications
Det Kgl. Bibliotek

Museet for Dansk Bladtegning. Det Kgl. Bibliotek. 2003.

2003 Publications
Otto Norn

Civitas Jerusalem - til alters med Absalon. Poul Kristensens Forlag. 2003. Tilskud.
