The New Carlsberg Foundation supports the publication of Danish art journals which contribute, with originality and quality, to Danish art criticism and art research. Art journals can stimulate and strengthen art criticism and art research in Denmark, thereby contributing to the development of Danish art.

The New Carlsberg Foundation endeavours to have the range of supported journals reflect great breadth and diversity in terms of media, formats, perspectives, geography, gender, art forms etc.

The New Carlsberg Foundation supports journals that critically and competently present Danish art in a global perspective, as well as journals that introduce art and research from outside of Denmark in a Danish context.

Who can apply?

Publishers of art journals in Denmark.

Application deadline

Three annual application deadlines. For specific dates, see under Publications.

Application process

  1. An application for support is submitted through the foundation’s online application system.
  2. The New Carlsberg Foundation’s board assesses the applications received. The applications are either approved (yielding partial or full support) or declined.
  3. The applicant receives notification of the result through the foundation’s online application system. Expect a processing time of a few weeks after the board meeting.


The New Carlsberg Foundation puts emphasis on the following aspects:

  • the journal is original and of high quality.
  • the journal is relevant to the present day in terms of its editorial content, art historical content, and its presentation of the subject matter to a general audience.

Contributions to academic/research-based journals must be peer reviewed. Also, if the journal is published under the auspices of an institution, the application must be submitted by the head of said institution.

What does the grant cover?

All costs associated with the actual publication of the publication, such as printing and binding, editing at a publishing house, proofreading, design and image rights. Any grant will only be paid out when the publication has been published.

The application must contain:

Please note that the application with attachments must be uploaded as one combined PDF file and must not exceed 10 pages (including cover pages and other graphic layout). Material that does not comply with formalities will not be included in the assessment.

  • A description extending to no more than two pages that present the overall editorial concept and plans for specific content, including article formats, the writer’s deliberations, language versions, whether the piece will be published in print or digitally, distribution plan, etc.
  • Table of contents/article overview of no more than one page.
  • CV(s) of the editor(s). No more than one page per editor.
  • A budget and financing plan, including information on any co-financing and other funding already applied for/granted (if applicable).
  • Any visual material attached must not exceed 5 pages.

Any additional material attached to the application will not be included in the assessment.


If the journal is published in print, two copies must be sent to the New Carlsberg Foundation upon each publication, with the possibility to requisition additional copies.

Further inquiries

For additional information, please contact the New Carlsberg Foundation’s secretariat at or (+45) 33 11 37 65.