The purpose of the New Carlsberg Foundation’s donations is to promote awareness and interest in high-quality art. A donation from the foundation is subject to a range of terms and conditions that apply before, during and after a given art project is handed over to the recipient institution. The purpose of these terms is, among other things, to ensure that the artwork is displayed in a proper, presentable and well-preserved state where people encounter it.
Prior to the donation: We collaborate
The following terms and conditions apply during the development and realisation of the art project.
The New Carlsberg Foundation establishes the overall framework for the process and selects the relevant artist/artworks for approval by the recipient institution. The recipient institution provides input and is prepared to collaborate in the development and realisation of the art project.
Preparing the area
The recipient institution is responsible for preparing the area where the artwork will be installed, including any relevant cleaning, protective covering, and the like. In the case of site-specific artwork, this may also involve costs related to construction and building work.
The recipient institution is responsible for obtaining and co-ordinating any necessary permits from the authorities.
At all stages of the process, communication activities regarding the donation must be coordinated with the New Carlsberg Foundation.
The collaboration between the recipient institution and the New Carlsberg Foundation is, as a general rule, confidential until the art project has been handed over.
After the donation: We take care of the art together
The following terms and conditions apply from the moment the art project is handed over to the recipient institution.
Appointing an art coordinator
The recipient institution must appoint an art coordinator (‘kunstansvarlig’) who will be responsible for the artwork and future contact with the New Carlsberg Foundation. If a new art coordinator is appointed, the foundation must be notified of this.
Ownership and responsibility
The recipient institution owns the artwork after receiving the donation. The artwork may not be sold, nor may any alterations be made to the artwork, its placement or its surroundings without the approval of the New Carlsberg Foundation and, if applicable, the artist.
The recipient institution holds practical and financial responsibility for the artwork and must ensure compliance with the maintenance plan provided (if any) so that the artwork remains in proper condition and appears in accordance with the original artistic intention at all times.
The recipient institution must cover all costs associated with repairing damage caused by vandalism, theft, accidents and environmental impacts. It is therefore recommended that the institution insures the artwork.
The artwork must be inspected at least once a year by the recipient institution’s art coordinator, checking for any damage or wear.
Follow-up and contact
The New Carlsberg Foundation carries out regular audits of artworks/art projects donated by the foundation. The foundation can be contacted at any time for advice and guidance on upkeep, maintenance and loans.
The recipient institution must contact the foundation if:
- it is necessary to make alterations to the physical surroundings of the artwork that will affect the artwork and its placement.
- changes occur to the conditions associated with the original donation, such as a restructuring of the organisation, a change of name, and similar.
- any changes in the original state of the artwork are observed.
The New Carlsberg Foundation encourages the recipient institution to accommodate loan requests for exhibitions at museums and art centres. All loans must be approved by the New Carlsberg Foundation.
The New Carlsberg Foundation may, in exceptional circumstances, recall a donated artwork. This may occur if:
- the recipient institution has failed in its upkeep and maintenance of the artwork or has failed to comply with the terms of the donation.
- changes are made to the physical environment to the extent where the New Carlsberg Foundation deems that it is no longer a suitable setting for the artwork.
Communication and dissemination/education activities
The New Carlsberg Foundation always encourages the recipient institution to actively present and communicate the artwork to users and the surrounding environment to support its ongoing life and relevance.
The artwork may be reproduced in contexts that do not involve independent commercial exploitation of the artwork. The artist and photographer must be credited appropriately, and it must be stated that the art project was donated by the New Carlsberg Foundation.