The New Carlsberg Foundation supports temporary, site-specific art projects that make art accessible to large groups of users in contexts other than those offered by traditional art institutions. Such projects can unfold as independent formats or be associated with festivals or other similar events – typically held in public spaces where art meets and enters into mutual exchanges with the site and its users.

The temporary format can pave the way for experimentation and innovation within the field. At the same time, it provides opportunities for including and making visible other artists and other voices than those typically shown and featured in more conventional settings. However, the foundation also invites applications for projects featuring established artists in new, high-quality formats.

The New Carlsberg Foundation will endeavour to support projects that reflect great breadth and diversity in terms of art forms, media, curatorial approaches, geography, gender, etc., and will strive to support projects initiated by different stakeholders ranging from established institutions to emerging art scene protagonists.

Who can apply?

Institutions and organisations which can compellingly document having the necessary art expertise and organisational set-up required to successfully manage such a project.

Application deadline

Two annual application deadlines. For specific dates, see under Public art projects.

Application process

  1. Applications are submitted through the Ny Carlsberg Foundation’s online application system.
  2. The board of the New Carlsberg Foundation assesses the applications received. Submissions are either approved (for full or partial funding) or declined, and the applicants are notified of the result of their application.


The New Carlsberg Foundation puts emphasis on the following aspects:

  • The project should be original and of high artistic quality.
  • The project should address significant currents and issues in society in relevant ways.
  • The project should display courage and curiosity in its artistic and curatorial approach – for example as regards the use of media and modes of expression and the project’s relationship with the site and users/audiences.
  • The project involves professional and passionate educational initiatives that makes art accessible, present and relevant to audiences.
  • The project takes its starting point in Denmark while applying a global outlook on art.
  • Any living artists involved must be remunerated for their contributions.

What does the grant cover?

  • All expenses associated with the realisation of the project, such as artist fees, shipping, insurance, installation, presentation/dissemination/learning initiatives, communication, research and travel etc.
  • Costs for the production of works of art by Danish and foreign artists (provided that the artists are clearly given reasonable working conditions and that an agreement has been reached in advance regarding ownership, possible sale, etc.).

Please note:

  • The New Carlsberg Foundation does not fund salaries for permanent employees.
  • Funding for publications associated with the project should be applied for separately from the foundation’s publication grant.

The application must contain:

Please note that the application with attachments must be uploaded as one combined PDF file and must not exceed 10 pages (including cover pages and other graphic layout). Material that does not comply with formalities will not be included in the assessment.

  • A project proposal of no more than two pages. The proposal should address the above-mentioned criteria and account for the project’s anchoring in or association with the relevant place/event.
  • An account of the organisational set-up involved, including the curator/art professional competences attached to the project.
  • Agreement between the artist and institution regarding ownership of the work.
  • Documentation or account of any permits that have been/must be obtained prior to the implementation of the project.
  • A detailed project budget.
  • A financing plan indicating any co-financing or other funding already applied for/granted (if applicable).
  • A CV of no more than one page for living artists involved in the project.
  • A schedule outlining the time requirements for the project.
  • Relevant illustrations.


When a project is completed, the applicant/institution must submit financial accounts and a short description providing information about the realised project, its educational initiatives etc. as well as about their experience of the application process.

Further inquiries

For additional information, please contact:
Project advisor Maria Eichhorn,, (+45) 25 30 24 61