The New Carlsberg Foundation was approached by the Danish Security and Intelligence Service (PET), which wanted to decorate the service’s HQ in Søborg. The idea behind the request was that PET, which for natural reasons tends to operate in secrecy, might use art to present a different side of itself to society, as a welcoming gesture.

‘The New Carlsberg Foundation was and is very sympathetic to the idea – just as we are very sympathetic to PET and the important task that the service performs in our society. PET is simultaneously central and peripheral (for good reason). In that regard, PET has a kinship with art, which is also independent and not directly a part of everything else,’ says Morten Kyndrup, member of the board for the New Carlsberg Foundation.

He comments further on the decorative project:

‘Together, we decided to link the project with the establishment of the new entrance in the rotunda and selected three artists, all leading figures in Danish contemporary art, but different in terms of age, gender and aesthetic expression.’

Viera Collaro was asked to create a light installation for a large wall by the entrance. Bjørn Poulsen was asked to propose two sculptures to be hung on either side of the building. And from Kathrine Ærtebjerg we requested a suite of paintings for the walkway above the main entrance. Thus, all the works are site-specific.

Viera Collaro: Tre lige dele [Three equal parts]. 2013. Polished steel, Satinato glass, RGB diodes.

Bjørn Poulsen: Drabant and Kløft.  2013. Bronze.

Kathrine Ærtebjerg: Det evige liv, Det evige liv (grønt), Lyset og mørket, Synet, Verdens cyklus, Vækst [Eternal life, Eternal life (green), Light and darkness, The vision, Cycle of the world, Growth]. 2014. Acrylic, oil and spray on canvas.